We are excited to share that Raya, our Young Person’s Domestic Abuse Support Worker has
taken part in a documentary to raise awareness of domestic abuse with young people.

Created by Saint City Studios, the film aims to act as a resource to help teens identify abuse and to sign post anyone going through abuse.

‘One in four young people experience partner abuse,’ states Raya Royle, Staying Put’s Young Person’s Domestic Abuse Support Worker. ‘’It’s harder to recognise in teenage relationships as often it’s the first relationship and you haven’t set the boundaries at that age, you don’t know what to expect, you don’t know what a healthy relationship is.’

The documentary was co-produced by young people from the BAME community and created with LADS West Yorkshire for the Your Best Friend Fund, a project by Safe Lives UK.

‘We are so excited to be part of this awareness raising film,’ states Yasmin Khan, Staying Put CEO. ‘It’s really important that young people recognise abuse early, know that it’s not right, it’s not their fault and that they can seek help.’

Organizations which feature in the film include Safe Lives UK, Victim Support, Staying Put and Bradford Council.

If you recognise any behaviours from the documentary, or want to know more about what domestic abuse is, please visit this page

You can find the documentary below

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