The UEFA Euros 2024 cup is about to kick off, with England playing their first match against Serbia on the 16th June. However, for people experiencing domestic abuse, the championship can spell an increase in domestic abuse at home.

So, we’re urging anyone across the Bradford district experiencing domestic abuse to call us.

Research by the university of Lancaster shows violent domestic abuse incidents increase by 38% when England loses football matches. For many people experiencing domestic abuse, the Euros are a time of increase anxiety, walking on eggshells and heightened awareness of their partners emotions.

“You don’t have to suffer this alone. We want anyone experiencing domestic abuse to know that what they’re going through is not OK and that there is help available.” States Yasmin Khan, CEO. “Call us, and our trauma informed team can support you.”

You can call Staying Put on 0808 2800 999. Our phone lines are free, confidential and will not show up on itemised bills. We’re open Monday- Friday 9.30-4.30, we also have a webchat and information on our website.

“We know this is a difficult time, but we’re here and please don’t suffer in silence.”

Call for help now

0808 2800 999

Open Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 4:30pm (closed for half an hour lunch at 1pm)
Our One Front Door helpline is completely free and confidential, and the call will not show up on itemised bills.

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