What is a dispersed property?

We have several properties both houses and flats all fully furnished and fully equipped, across the Bradford District. Often these are used as a transition or step towards more independent living.

We can house single people and larger families in these properties. We can accept referrals for our dispersed properties for those who find refuge accommodation may not be suitable for their needs. We can accommodate women with older male children. Our dispersed properties can accommodate men fleeing from domestic abuse and are trans inclusive.

Why do people come to a dispersed property?

The people who live in our dispersed properties are people who have had to leave their homes due to domestic abuse. These can be residents moving on from refuge or anyone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness as a result of domestic abuse but where refuge may not be suitable.

Residents staying in refuge may feel they no longer need intensive support but are still in need of some support. A move from refuge to a dispersed property means they get to stay on the same support and risk management plans that are reviewed with them regularly. We try to accommodate the same key workers to help with the transition. Residents will make new friends in the community and be responsible for their own utility bills. A dispersed property is a step closer to living more independently on the road to recovery and empowerment.

Can anyone live in a dispersed property? Do you need to be in refuge first?

No, you don’t need to have lived in a refuge first. A dispersed property can be the next stage on from a refuge, or someone can come to a dispersed property straight from leaving their home.

Read more about refuges here

What happens when someone arrives?

If a resident has come from a refuge, they’ll l be supported with the move or met at the property by their keyworker. During the settling in period clients will be supported to set up utilities and services as well as completing any paperwork. Just as we do when someone arrives at a refuge, we make sure that you have enough food and are comfortable for the first few nights. We try to make it as easy and stress free as possible. Staff will work with residents to look at linking in with community services, health services in the area and new schools if needed.

How long are people in dispersed properties for? What’s next?

Dispersed accommodation is temporary for 6 months. Work around move-on and securing suitable housing will continue during the stay in a dispersed property.

Any other information?

We have an out of hours service for weekends and evenings including bank holiday for any emergencies.

Further information

If you need support or further information on how we can help, please call 0808 2800 999.

We help everyone who needs it, so please feel reassured that you can call us and you will be supported.

Our helpline is open from Monday to Friday, 9.30am – 4.30pm. We close for half an hour at 1pm every day for lunch.

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