Survive and Thrive

Professionals’ Handbook


Survive and thrive logo- three circles with survive and thrive across

How to make a referral

If you are a professional and want to make a referral, please make an online referral via the Staying Put website.

For all self referrals, please call the Survive and Thrive One Front Door helpline on 0808 2800 999.

Survive and Thrive

Who are we?

Survive and Thrive is a partnership of three charities, Staying Put, Family Action and WomenCentre, who have come together to provide a fully inclusive one-stop-shop of domestic abuse services for the whole family.

We believe that everyone has the right to live a life free from domestic abuse and sexual violence and together we are working towards a safer Bradford district free from domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Our mission

Our inclusive service ensures individuals, children and their families have access to a high-quality service that works with them to be safer, to understand and manage the impact of trauma, and to increase stability.

We provide a single point of contact that enables access to all elements of our service.

We offer:

  • Outreach support
  • Temporary supported accommodation
  • Group work and counselling
  • Behaviour change programmes
  • Practical support to stay safe at home
  • Work with families to strengthen relationships
  • Work with children to reduce symptoms of trauma
  • Work with service users and professionals help to understand the impact of domestic abuse

Help for children, parents and families

The Survive and Thrive partnership recognises and promotes the importance of a whole-family approach which is built on the principles of “Think Family”.

We take into account family circumstances and responsibilities. Our One Front Door considers the needs of all family members not just the person presenting.

We work with families to agree a package of support best suited to their particular situation which builds on their strengths and promotes resilience.

What we offer:

Whole family

  • Family session with qualified practitioners to help rebuild and strengthen relationships fractured by domestic abuse
  • Support to access early intervention and support groups, health provision and anything school related


  • Help to understand the impact of domestic abuse on children and ways they can support recovery
  • Parent/child (0 to 5-year-olds) group work, to strengthen attachment between parents and children in supported accommodation
  • We provide assistance to access education, nursery and universal provision for the families we work with and grants to help with uniforms and other school related costs

Children 5+

  • Reducing symptoms of trauma, building resilience
  • Trauma therapy once children are ready to tell their stories and process their feelings
  • Group sessions within supported accommodation encouraging positive connections, building confidence and self-esteem.

In addition to our work directly with children, we work with schools as part of Operation Encompass for the early detection and prevention of domestic abuse.


In addition to the above services we help teenage clients specifically through:

  • Advocacy services, safety planning and help on forming positive relationships.
  • Early intervention service, which means identifying and providing effective early support to people who are at risk

Eligibility criteria

We support families and children across the Bradford District. Referrals can be made either by professionals or service users via our One Front Door, details of which are above.

We will work with children (5 to 18), parents and whole families who have experienced domestic abuse and are living in the Bradford district where:

  • Families experience relationship difficulties resulting from domestic abuse;
  • Children experience symptoms of trauma impacting on daily life functioning;
  • Parents/children need support to strengthen child/parent attachment;
  • Parents need guidance to understand impact and how best to support their child;
  • Families are living in supported accommodation and need practical support such as benefits, immigration, access to education and universal provision.

We are able to offer consultancy to professionals who are working with children living with domestic abuse including those where a CIN or CP plan is in place.

Where families are receiving Early Help support we would ask that the key worker remain involved for the duration of Survive and Thrive involvement.

Children’s IDVA Service – providing advocacy, safety planning and work around developing positive peer/family relationships.

We are able to work with:

  • Young people 13 to 17 in the Bradford district who have experienced/are experiencing domestic abuse;
  • Young people who experience symptoms of trauma impacting on daily life functioning and social communication skills;
  • Young people who would benefit from advocacy support and having a safe space to feel heard;
  • Where there are current safeguarding concerns and a young person is on a CIN or CP plan, we ask that key workers remain involved for the duration of Survive and Thrive involvement and we will work in partnership with them.

Help for victims and survivors

The Survive and Thrive partnership works with all victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

What we offer:

  • Specialist IDVA service for male victims of domestic abuse.
  • Our ISVA service offers support to anyone who has been the victim of sexual violence and they are thinking about reporting the crime, or if the case is going through the criminal justice system.
  • Individual counselling where 12 sessions are delivered on a weekly basis, working in a focused way on specific client needs aimed at supporting recovery from domestic abuse. The sessions may be held face-to-face, over the phone, or by Zoom depending on the client’s needs or preferences.
  • Groupwork through the Early Intervention and Prevention Team, which provide a safe and empowering space for women who have experienced domestic abuse.
  • A range of accommodation options, including refuges for women and children, and dispersed accommodation for all.

Eligibility criteria

We support families and children across the Bradford District. Referrals can be made either by professionals or service users via our One Front Door, details of which are above.

We will work with children (5 to 18), parents and whole families who have experienced domestic abuse and are living in the Bradford district where:

  • Families experience relationship difficulties resulting from domestic abuse;
  • Children experience symptoms of trauma impacting on daily life functioning;
  • Parents/children need support to strengthen child/parent attachment;
  • Parents need guidance to understand impact and how best to support their child;
  • Families are living in supported accommodation and need practical support such as benefits, immigration, access to education and universal provision.

We are able to offer consultancy to professionals who are working with children living with domestic abuse including those where a CIN or CP plan is in place.

Where families are receiving Early Help support we would ask that the key worker remain involved for the duration of Survive and Thrive involvement.

Help for perpetrators

The Survive and Thrive partnership not only works with victims and survivors but also works with the perpetrators of abuse in order to reduce risk of future abuse.

We offer a service to all perpetrators, regardless of gender, sexuality or age, who have acknowledged they are abusive and want to make changes, through our Bradford Maze Behaviour Change programme.

An initial assessment is undertaken which consists of:

  • A clear conversation about what the service can offer
  • An assessment of their willingness to choose to change their abusive behaviour
  • A risk assessment, which is crucial for informing an intervention going forward
  • An assessment for the motivation for long term engagement
  • Safety planning
  • Naming domestic abuse (rather than anger management)

What we offer:

1-to-1 sessions

  • Three to six sessions are delivered for women, LGBT+, 16 to 18-year-olds, and men who have additional needs such as those with learning difficulties or where English is not the participant’s first language. 1-to1 sessions are specifically targeted to issues identified during assessment, where this is the most appropriate intervention.

Group work

  • An in-depth Domestic Abuse Prevention Programme
  • 18+ men’s groupwork programme (17 and 26 week options)
  • Urdu/Punjabi speaking programme men’s groupwork (26 weeks).

Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner (SDAP) – Early reach

  • Early intervention with whole families experiencing domestic violence by implementing evidence-based therapeutic approaches which will help the whole family to recover from the trauma of domestic abuse and where necessary connecting with relevant wellbeing services.

  • Work with support agencies in responding to domestic abuse within families they are in contact with.

Eligibility criteria

Referrals can be made either by professionals or service users via our One Front Door, details of which are on page 2.

  • Client must acknowledge they have used abuse within an intimate relationship
  • Client must take responsibility for their harmful behaviour
  • Client must be committed to long term behaviour change
  • We will accept referrals for men and women
  • Client must be at least 16 years old
  • Client should live within the Bradford district or have a child who is a permanent resident in Bradford